Used Jaguar XJ40 Engine Parts For Sale
Cruise Control Vacuum Pump (HELLA)
Colour: Black Located: Engine Bay. Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Condition&nb..
Distributor Adjuster Plate
Colour: Stainless Steel Located: Attached to Distributor Drive: RHD/LHD Conditi..
Distributor Complete
Colour: Black Located: External. In LH Wing. Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Very Good Co..
Engine Oil Cooler
Colour: Black Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Condition&nbs..
Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
Colour: Chrome Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Good Condition &..
Fuel Level Sending Unit
Colour: White/Black Located: Fuel Tank Drive: RHD Condition: New. Old Stock. &n..
Fuel Pressure Regulator 4rv Lucas
Colour: Metal Located: Engine Bay. Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Condition&nb..
Fuel Tank
Colour: Galvanised Located: Boot/Trunk Behind rear seat Drive: RHD Condition: U..
Goss Electric Fuel Pump
Colour: Blue Located: Above Rear Axle. Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Conditio..
Idle Air Valve (Lucas 73235)
Colour: Grey Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Refurbished. Excellent Conditi..
Mass Air Flow Meter (Lucas Hitachi)
Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Condition The Mass A..
Radiator Fan
Colour: Black Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Good Condition &n..
Radiator Fan
Colour: Black Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Good Condition &n..
Screen Washer Bottle Reservoir Complete
Colour: Cream Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Excellent Condition&nbs..
Starter Motor (Bosh)
Colour: Black/Grey Located: Engine Bay Drive: RHD Condition: Used. Very Good Conditio..